RESEARCH. In 2020 Prof. Marzano was inserted in the World's Top 2% Scientists database of Stanford University (USA). Current research of Dr. Marzano concerns passive and active remote sensing of the atmosphere from ground-based, airborne, and space-borne platforms, with a particular focus on clouds and precipitation using microwave, millimeter-wave and visible-infrared data, development of inversion methods, radiative transfer modeling of absorbing and scattering media, radar meteorology for rain, wind and ash retrieval and synthetic aperture radar data processing for atmospheric and land-use applications. He is also deeply involved in electromagnetic propagation studies, including e.m. field scintillation and rain fading modeling, data analysis along satellite microwave and millimeter-wave links and free space optical links.
The research is coordinated within the Laboratory of Antennas, Radiopropagation and Telesensing (LabART) of DIET and is organized in:
Laboratory of Radio Meteorology (LabRadioMet)
Laboratory of AlphaSat satellite (LabAlphaSat)
Major research fields are:
Satellite remote sensing of the environment (rain, temperature, water vapor, humidity, cloud liquid, ash)
Remote sensing sensors (weather radar, wind profiler radar, microwave radiometer, infrared radiometer)
Radar remote sensing of the atmosphere (rain, wind velocity, ash, spatial-temporal fields, polarimetry)
Electromagnetic wave propagation (turbulence, clouds and precipitation, microwave, millimeter-wave)
Inverse problems in remote sensing (statistical techniques, neural-network methods, physical methods)
Radio-propagation for satellite telecommunications (rain fading, scintillation, prediction model, noise)
Optical propagation in free space (turbulence, fog, aerosol, precipitation, channel modeling)
List of publications on G-Scholar
List of publications on SCOPUS
List of FSM publications on ORCID
The research activity is carried out at:
DIET - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Sapienza Università di Roma - Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma, IT
CRAS - Centro di Ricerca Aerospaziale Sapienza - Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma, IT
CETEMPS - Centro di Eccellenza in Telerilevamento E Modellistica Previsionale di eventi meteo Severi, Università dell’Aquila - Via Vetoio, 67010 L’Aquila, IT
Collaborations are foreseen, depending on the research project, with:
Università dell'Aquila, L'Aquila, IT
Politecnico di Milano, IT
Università di Firenze, IT
Universitè de Geneve, Geneva, CH
University of Auvergne Clermont, Clermont-Ferrand, FR
University of Helsinki, FL
Technical University of Graz, Graz, AT
INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), Roma/Catania, IT
CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) - ISAC, IMAA, ISMAR & IIET
European Space Agency (ESA) - ESTEC, Nordwijk, NL
European Space Agency (ESA) - ESOC, Darmstadt, D
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Rome, IT
Agenzia di Protezione Civile Abruzzo, L'Aquila, IT
Agenzia di Protezione Civile Lazio, Roma, IT
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA CalTech, Pasedena (CA, USA)
Thales Alenia Space Italy, Roma, IT
Leonardo, Rome, Italy
HIMET, L'Aquila, IT
ELDES, Firenze, IT
Micro&Systems, Pomezia (RM), IT
Progressive Systems, Frascati (RM), IT
TerraDue, Roma, IT
RESEARCH PROJECTS. Main funded national and international projects, accomplished so far or on going, are:
CNR-Estremi 2000-2001
FP5-EuRainSat 2001-2003
ASI-Mare 2001-2002
ASI-MeditRain 2002-2004
CNR-RAMI 2003-2004
IntReg-RiskAWARE 2004-2006
CIMA-Proscenio 2005-2007
ASI-WAVE 2006-2006
DPC-IDRA 2006-2009
RegAbruzzo-PC 2007-2015
MIUR-Aeroclouds 2005-2008
ASI-FloRad 2007-2008
Sapienza- XCen 2007-2007
ASI-Nowcasting 2008-2011
Sapienza-Xcen2 2009-2009
FP7-HydroRad 2009-2011
DPC-IDRA2 2009-2012
FP7-HydrEx 2010-2012
Sapienza-SARWat 2011-2011
EOARD-HiRadProp 2012-2015
FP7-FUTUREVOLC 2012-2015
IPA-ADRIARadNet 2012-2015
FP7-APHORISM 2013-2016.
Sapienza- TexTILEs 2014-2015
ESA-RadioMetOP 2013-2014
FP7-Earth2Observe 2014-2017
RegAbruzzo-PC 2016-2018
Sapienza-AlphaSAP 2015-2017
ESA-RadioMetOP2 2015-2016
MCurie-HYDREX 2015-2017
IPA-CapRadNet 2016-2016
EOARD-HiMetCom 2016-2020
ESA-STEAM 2017-2019
Sapienza-UVScat 2018-2020
ITHR-AdriaMORE 2018-2019
ESA-MeKaP 2018-2023
H2020-EUROVOLC 2018-2021
RegLazio-SEMIA 2018-2020
PNR-RAFAEL 2018-2021
Eumetsat APPLES 2018-2019
Eumetsat GAMES 2018-2020
ESA-WRad 2018-2022
Sapienza-KydroSAR 2019-2022
RegAbruzzo-CFA 2019-2022
RegLazio-ClimArt 2019-2022
Sapienza-SolRad89 2020-2023
RMarche-STREAM 2021-2023
ESA-RadioSatMet 2021-2023
ESA-TASI-CIMR 2021-2024
ASI-SMIVIA 2021-2023
ESOC-BepiColombo 2021-2023
ESOC-SpaceRider 2022-2022
EOARD-MMWAP 2021-2024