The Laboratory of RadioMeteorology (LabRadioMet) is a joint initiative of DIET, FUB, and CETEMPS to exploit ground-based remote sensing of the atmosphere in synergy with microwave radiocommunication and satellite meteorology. Its first activity dates back to 1980 (thanks to an initiative of Prof. d'Auria and his colleagues) and is coordinated with the Laboratory of Antennas, Radiopropagation and Telesensing (LabART) of DIET.
The LabRadioMet current research concerns passive and active remote sensing of the atmosphere from ground-based instruments, with a particular focus on clouds and precipitation using microwave data, development of inversion methods, and radiative transfer modeling of absorbing and scattering media. Other main topics of interest are radar meteorology for rain, wind and ash retrieval. The LabRadioMet is also deeply involved in radiopropagation studies, including e.m. field scintillation and rain fading modeling and data analysis along satellite microwave and millimeter-wave links.
The LabRadioMet has the following objectives:
to manage ground-based remote sensing and in situ instrumentation;
to design and develop new microwave remote sensing instrumentation;
to develop advanced algorithms for ground-based weather radar retrieval;
to develop advanced algorithms for ground-based microwave radiometric retrieval;
to pursue the use of remote sensing data for radiocommunication and deep-space applications;
to pursue the use of numerical weather prediction models for radiocommunication and deep-space applications;
to operate as a ground-based facility for satellite product validation.
The LabRadioMet board includes:
F.S. Marzano (DIET, Sapienza UniRome & CETEMPS)
F. Consalvi (FUB, Rome)
S. Barbieri (DIET, Sapienza UniRome & CETEMPS)
P. Cicolin (DIET, Sapienza UniRome)
M. Biscarini (DIET, Sapienza UniRome)
D. Comite (DIET, Sapienza UniRome)
N. Pierdicca (DIET, Sapienza UniRome)
1. Ground-based microwave radar meteorology
Rain, snow, and volcanic ash clouds contain particles generated by different physical and chemical processes. When electromagnetic radiation interacts with particle distribution, causing absorption and scattering, the backscattered power enables the retrieval of useful geophysical parameters of particle distribution. This article is the measurement principle of microwave weather (meteorological) radar, monostatic remote sensing that can exploit Rayleigh and Mie backscattering to remotely probe atmospheric clouds. An overview of weather radar systems and data processing for rain, snow, and volcanic ash clouds focusing on ground-based weather radars along with airborne and spaceborne configurations.
Signal processing of single-polarization weather radar systems in addition to more advanced schemes, such as those that enable Doppler and dual-polarization capability, are discussed. Additionally, we describe Doppler weather radars with narrow beams, which are used to detect low-level wind shear during rain, microbursts, and gusts. Multifrequency radar for snowfall retrieval is also presented, with an emphasis on estimation and classification of the microphysical properties of particles. Finally, future directions for signal processing and applications for microwave weather radar systems are presented.
2. Ground-based microwave radiometry for remote sensing and radiopropagation
Sun-tracking (ST) microwave radiometry is a ground-based technique where the Sun is used as a beacon source. The atmospheric antenna noise temperature is measured by alternately pointing toward-the-Sun and off-the-Sun according to a beam switching strategy. By properly developing an ad hoc processing algorithm, we can estimate the atmospheric path attenuation in all-weather conditions. A theoretical framework is proposed to describe the ST radiometric measurements and to evaluate the overall error budget. Two different techniques, based, respectively, on elevation-scanning Langley method and on surface meteorological data method, are proposed and compared to estimate the clear-air reference.
Application to available ST radiometric measurements at Ka-, V-, and W-band in Rome (NY, USA) is shown and discussed together with the test of new physically based prediction models for all-weather path attenuation estimation up to about 30 dB at V- and W-band from multichannel microwave radiometric data. Results show an appealing potential of this overall approach in order to overcome the difficulties to perform satellite-to-earth radiopropagation experiments in the unexplored millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave frequency region, especially where experimental data from beacon receivers are not available. This paper summarizes what above.
3. Atmospheric propagation at microwave, millimeter-wave, and optical wavelength
The aim is to investigate the usability of high-frequency channels for LEO/MEO (Low/Medium Earth Orbit) satellite communications and deep-space (DS) transmissions exploiting radiometeorological forecast modeling. A previously developed model chain for DS link-budget optimization, based on numerical weather forecasts (WFs), is adopted. Exploiting the available WF-based methodology, we compute DV return for DS missions operating at X-, K-, Ka-, Q-, and W-bands in order to make a comparative study of the behavior of DS transmission-channels at these frequencies. Results in this work show that, in terms of received DV, an innovative WF-based approach is more convenient than traditional methodologies and exhibits a trend similar to the benchmark (ideal case).
Free space optics (FSO) channel availability is affected by atmospheric water particles, which may introduce severe path attenuation. A unified microphysically oriented atmospheric particle scattering (MAPS) model is proposed and described to simulate particle scattering effects on FSO links. Atmospheric particles, such as raindrops, graupel particles, and snowflakes, together with fog droplets, are considered. Input data to characterize liquid and frozen water particle size distribution, density, and refractivity are derived. Scattering, absorption, and extinction coefficients as well as the asymmetry factor are numerically simulated for each particle class and then parametrized with respect to particle water content, fall rate, and visibility, spanning from visible to infrared wavelengths.
The Laboratory of Radio Meteorology is placed on the roof terrace of the Faculty of Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome. The test site is exactly located in ROME, Italy at Latitude 41° 53’ 37 N, Longitude 12° 29’ 38 E.
The position of the Laboratory is amazing as it is on the top of the highest historical hills of Rome, Colle Fagutal. The view of the old city of Rome is unique, but also the optical visibility is very attractive both toward the Tyrrhenian sea and the Apennine range. The LabRadioMet enumerates both in situ meteorological instrumentation coupled with microwave and optical sensors.
X-band Meteorological RaDAR
The X-band Meteorological radar, designed by ELDES (Firenze, Italy), is a compact portable scanning radar with the following features: peak power of 10 kW, selectable pulse repetition frequency (PRF) between 800 Hz (maximum range of 180 km), pulse duration of 0.6 ms (range resolution of 90 m) and an antenna directivity of 39.1 dB (about 3° half-power beamwidth). The radar control and data acquisition are completely remote and accessible via Internet connection.
The X-band radar has a low-noise receiver with a noise figure of about 4 dB, a coaxial magnetron transmitter, a parabolic reflector of about 90 cm diameter with a corrugated rectangular horn feeder, and a digital receiver sampling the received signal at the intermediate frequency of 40 MHz. The minimum detectable power signal is about -113 dBm, whereas up to 128 samples may be automatically integrated. The azimuth scanning is complete with an angular resolution between 1° and 3°, while the zenith scan ranges from 0° to 180°. The entire receiving and transmitting system is mounted on the backside of the reflector and rotates with the antenna itself, protected by a single-component radome. The total weigth of the X-band system is about 75 kg and can be easily removed and installed.
K-band MEO Satellite Receiving Station
A K-band Medium-Earth-Orbit (MEO) satellite receiver station is also present on the roof terrace. The station at about 19 GHz is capable to move the parabolic reflector in elevation and azimuth to follow the MEO O3b satellite trajectory. Currently, the receiving station is operating to receive the O3B satellite signal. The visibility of O3b satellites from the experimental sites was investigated. The analysis of the O3b satellite visibility has shown that: I) at least 2 satellites are always visible at the same time, but most of the time this number ranges between 3 and 4; this will allow uninterrupted measurement of the telemetry signals; ii) the maximum elevation angle of O3b satellites is: 20.2°, 24.5° and 26.1° for Milan, Rome and Aveiro, respectively; the link azimuth ranges approximately between 120° and 240º.
The K-band system is made by a Cassegrain-type (with radome enclosure) parabolic reflector of 1.2 m diameter with a corrugated horn feeder. The two polarization signals are amplified and converted in frequency by the same model of Low Noise Block (LNB) converter with a gain of 55 dB and a noise figure of 1.5 dB. Both LNBs are frequency stabilized using the same high precision reference oscillator. An intermediate frequency of about 1900 MHz, includes multiple filtering and amplification stages. The architecture does not use a PLL but relies on the use of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) with a GPS reference clock to improve frequency stability. A motorized servo-mechanism is dedicated to antenna scanning. Phase and quadrature data for both the signal polarization around the center frequency are then stored for post-processing.
Surface Weather Stations
Two weather stations, spatially separated by 15 m, are present capable to measure: pressure (hPa), temperature (K), relative humidity (%), and wind velocity (m/s). Two tipping-bucket rain gauges, spatially separated from each other by 15 m, are also available capable to measure the accumulated rain (mm).
Data are acquired every 10 minutes through an RS232 line and digitally archived on a PC system. The meteorological stations are operated separately with a redundancy principle.
Precipitation Optical Disdrometer
A precipitation optical disdrometer has been installed in November 2011, thanks to the international MarieCurie project HYDREX. The Parsivel disdrometer is produced by OTT and is able to provide the size distribution of precipitation particles and their category (rain, snow, graupel and sub-species).
The Parisevl optical disdrometer by OTT works on the principle to measure the effects of precipitation particles on the optical near-infrared beam transmitted and received within a length of about 40 cm. From the beam attenuation, the particle concentration is basically estimated, whereas the size, distribution and species is derived from the velocity measurements within the measurement area coupled with amplitude perturbation.
Dual-channel Microwave Radiometer
The REC-2 microwave radiometer is a dual channel system at 23.8 and 31.7 GHz. This K-Ka band radiometer is a compact self-contained configuration designed for automatic unattended operation for an extended time with a high measuring accuracy. The radiometer has an elevation and azimuth control and is controlled by a personal computer through an RS-232 serial line. Regular calibration is performed by using the tipping-curve method. The REC-2 radiometer consists of offset-fed antenna parabolic reflectors connected to microwave receivers of the noise balancing type. The noise-balancing type receiver yields a high insensitivity to gain variations and mismatches within the noise injection feedback loop thus ensuring high long-term stability. The actual temperatures of main microwave components in the front ends and feed assembly are monitored and used for the correction of measured data. The antenna reflector and receiver sections are integrated into an outdoor box.
The shape of the antenna surfaces and the configuration of the wide-band feed horns have been designed so that energy outside the main lobes is minimized. Moreover, the extremely low sidelobes can ensure a minimum pick-up of radiation emitted from the surrounding surface. By a proper design of the feed horn, nearly equal antenna main-lobes at 20 and 30 GHz have been obtained. The REC-2 corrugated feed horns is protected by an aperture window and is connected to a diplexer by a short waveguide bend. The REC-2 circular horns are horizontally polarized and placed above the antenna reflectors downward so that to be protected against raindrops, snow, and condensation layer. The REC-2 antenna reflectors are of carbon-fiber skin-honeycomb construction. They have a very smooth surface with roughness less than 0.2 mm. Their rectangular contour provides a projected aperture of about 60 x 60 cm^2 for REC-2. Heated air is continuously blown across the antenna reflector which presents a set of small holes within its vertex area, thus preventing the formation of the dew and the possible accumulation of raindrops, snow, and hail on the surface. Moreover, air from the heater box is directed through a tube to the feed horn window. In this way, the window will be kept free from condensation or raindrops.